從英國專利判例看歐洲專利局與美國專利商標局對於通常知識者的差別 -- U.K. Court of Appeal Aligns U.K. Sufficiency Standard with European Patent Office Standard and Sharpens Contrast with U.S. Practice
U.K. Court of Appeal Aligns U.K. Sufficiency Standard with European Patent Office Standard and Sharpens Contrast with U.S. Practice
在這個 Regeneron v Kymab & Novo Nordisk判例中,英國上訴法院,採用EPO審查基準中通常知識者對於專利文件中的揭露水準,來判定Regeneron 所擁有的EP 1360287 與 EP 2264163專利中的第三個實施例未充分揭露,無法據以實施。
The “skilled person” under European law is a capable person with typical knowledge in the relevant field, but exercises no creativity. That skilled person will follow the instructions given in the disclosure and supplement that information only with information that is, without question, commonly known and immediately apparent to the skilled person.
Under U.S. patent law, the person of ordinary skill is a capable person with typical knowledge in the relevant field and the typical creativity for a person in that field.
These differences in the characteristics of the skilled person (or person of ordinary skill in the art) can lead to instances where a patent application that meets the enablement requirement under the law of one jurisdiction fails to meet the requirement in another jurisdiction.